2024. 05. 08 Colloquium - Physics of layered two-dimensional crystals (Prof. Young-woo Son)
- 양자물질초전도체창의연구소
- Hit42177
- 2024-05-13
Title : Physics of layered two-dimensional crystals
Speaker : Prof. Young-woo Son, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (손영우 교수님, KIAS)
Date & Time : May. 8th (Wed.) 2024, 16:30
Place : Natural Science 1, Room No. 31214
Abstract :
In this colloquium, I will discuss unique physical properties of layered crystals that have been intensively studied for the last twenty years. In their single layer limit, well-defined crystal structures provide characteristic playgrounds to demonstrate interplay between correlated electronic properties, point group symmetries and topological natures while for their stacking geometries with rotational stacking faults, new energy and length scales emerges to realize unprecedented platforms to study emergent physics of electrons and collective excitations. I will show a few examples related with aforementioned physics in these interesting materials and put forward some outlooks for their future developments.